Greenwich Public School

Partnership and Opportunity, Excellence and Success

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Science K-6

Science K-1

Students in Kindergarten and Year 1 at Greenwich use the 'Primary Connections' programme in science. It seeks to build on students' natural curiosity, to nurture their sense of wonder and develop their passion for exploring how the world works. The inquiry-based learning is faciliated through 'hands-on' activities and small group co-operative learning strategies. Topics include studying needs for survival of people and animals, weather, sound, movement and features of the local environment.

Science 2-6

Science at Greenwich is taught by a specialist science teachers in a dedicated science room. The program is innovative with an emphasis on "hands on" activities. Students develop skills in applying the processes of 'Working Scientifically' and 'Working Technologically' to improve their understanding of the natural and made environments.

By the end of Stage 3, all students must have covered the following topics as determined by the new Board of Studies Science K-10 Syllabus.


  • Physical World - students develop their understanding of heat energy, electricity, light and sound. They learn that forces affect the movement of objects and they discover how people can use the knowledge about the transfer of heat energy and transformation of electricity in their everyday life.
  • Earth and Space - students develop their understanding of the Earth's dynamic structure and its place in space. They learn that the Earth is part of the solar system and is subject to change as a result of natural processes and human activity. They begin to appreciate that there is a growing need to develop an understanding of the Earth's characteristics and how people interact with their environment.
  • Living World - students develop their understanding of living things. They investigate the diversity of living things, including plants, animals and micro-organisms, as well as their interdependence and interactions with each other and their environment. They explore their life cycle and structural features and how these aid survival.
  • Material World - students develop their understanding of the properties of materials, the way they behave and the changes they undergo as well as how these properties influence the way materials are used by people in objects, products, places and spaces.
  • Built Environments - students develop their understanding about places and spaces, and their uses. People create, construct and modify their surroundings for a wide range of purposes. The environments people build are an important part of our communities and culture.
  • Information - students develop their understanding about the design and use of information for the purpose of conveying messages. Information and communication systems are fundamental to human activity. People create, communicate and access information using highly developed media and information technologies.
  • Products - students develop their understanding of products that include objects, systems and artefacts, and the nature of materials and resources used to produce them. Products range from those that are individually crafted through to those that are produced commercially or in large quantities.


The teaching program uses resources such as 'Primary Connections' developed by The Australian Academy of Science in Canberra and 'Science in a Box', developed by Bryan Pennington. Both 'Primary Connections' and 'Science in a Box' are based on an inquiry-orientated teaching and learning model. Teaching and learning progresses through five phases: engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate.


All students in Years 2-6 participate in 'Engquest' (Engineering Quest) which is an initiative of Engineers Australia. Students work in teams and apply their problem-solving skills to designing, constructing and unravelling exciting engineering projects. Projects include design and make straw bridges, newspaper domes, catapults, water wheels, lifting machines and eco-friendly houses complete with functioning parrallel light circuits.

Students in Years 3-6 have the opportunity to participate in external science competitions such as ICAS Science each year. Two Year 4 girls are invited to attend a Science and Technology day at Willoughby Girls High School and a group of students are invited to attend a Science and Technology program at Hunters Hill High School annually.

Our program is complemented by incursions and workshops from The Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre, Scienza Viva, CSIRO and The Surfing Scientist. We participate in video conferences with Reef Ed in Townsville and NASA.

The main aim is for our students to develop interest and positive, informed values and attitudes towards science and technology and to recognise the importance and relevance of science and technology in their lives now and for the future.



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