Greenwich Public School

Partnership and Opportunity, Excellence and Success

Telephone02 9436 3217

Greenwich Public School Award System

The school reward system reinforces positive behaviour and encourages students to try their best in all aspects of their schooling. Students earn awards based on the school values of Respect, Responsibility and Success to progress through a five-tiered award system. Students are responsible for colllecting, counting and monitoring their own progress.


The reward system is based around Greenwich wings. Valid Greenwich Wings must include the student’s name and a teacher’s signature.  It's the students' responsibility to keep track of their own Greenwich Wings, as replacements won't be provided if lost. Students are to store their wings in a designated wing pocket within their classroom. Upon accumulating six wings, students are required to present them to their teacher to earn a Bronze Award. Teachers then staple and initial the back of the six Greenwich Wings to signify their exchange for a Bronze Award. Students will then take their wings home.

Bronze awards

Bronze Awards are earned when students achieve six Greenwich Wings. Teachers from Year 1 to Year 6 present these awards to students in the classroom, while Kindergarten teachers present them during assemblies. Upon receiving a Bronze Award, students take them home and ensure their safekeeping. Once students accumulate three Bronze Awards, students bring them to school and present them to their teacher. Teachers then initial the back of these three Bronze Awards, signifying their exchange for a Silver Award. Silver Awards are given out during assemblies for Years 1 to 6, and during Kindy Award Time for Kindergarten students.

Silver awards

Silver Awards are achieved when students have earned three bronze awards. These awards are taken home by the students and securely stored. Upon achieving three Silver Awards, students bring them to school and present them to their teacher. The teachers then initial the back of the three Silver Awards, signifying that they have been exchanged for a Gold Award. Gold Awards are distributed during an end of term recognition assembly.

Gold awards

Gold Awards are achieved when students have earned three silver awards. These awards are taken home by the students and securely stored. Upon earning three Gold Awards, students bring them to school and give them to their teacher. The teachers then validate the achievement by initialling the back of the three Gold Awards, indicating that they have been exchanged for a Banner.

Banner Award

This is the school’s most prestigious award. The Greenwich Banner is awarded to a student who has achieved or performed at an outstanding level over a period of time, indicated by the accumulation of three Gold Awards.  The presentation of the Greenwich Banner is a highlight of our Recognition Assembly and is personally awarded by the Principal. Recipients of the banner are also extended a special invitation to enjoy a morning tea in the company of the principal.

Assembly merit awards

Two merit awards per class are handed out at assembly to recognise academic and personal success. Assembly awards do not accumulate towards a Greenwich Banner.